Wednesday, September 8, 2021


Dragging da okole up the last stretch of the hill towards home after a most grueling run session with lots of uptempo miles when noticed a man had not seen in years whom while approaching said "Appalachian Trail, is that you?' To which I nodded and then he said, That's all I know about you is that you hiked the Appalachian trail!" I felt like saying more but his mid sized German Shepard was barking like crazy so just said "that's enough," and trekked on up towards home.

Soon as said so long to Dennis, I felt a sense of satisfaction that he remembered me at all but then after a bit got to thinking that there are probably lots of other acquaintances for whom their sole knowledge of me is that hiked a bunch of miles once on the AT. They don't know that I spent my army days as a veteran safeguarding the Louisiana bayou, or have been married 43 years with 3 offspring plus daughter and son in law, three grandchildren, worked 34 years for VR the last 16 as Ho`opono administrator, just finished a full year averaging 50 run miles per week which included 5 marathons, that daughter Deb turned 40 and I 72 two days ago, and that write a blog.

So I got to thinking that maybe I should list all the highlights of the past years on bibs front and back of training shirts so that people know that am more than just a old dude pounding the pavement. Discarded that thought rather quickly though because people won't read all the lettering, for the most if they think anything at all it will be that the words are saying stuff like "am poor please spare a dime." Then the thought came to wear a shirt with blog address, but decided against that as most people will just think am advertising a scripture verse.

Pondering the subject some more decided it really doesn't matter if all Dennis knows or others know about me is that once walked on the Appalachian Trail, or that all they know is that I look like an old man. I mean how much do we really know about people we notice walking or running, or even shoot the breeze with a bit when out and about. Shoots dig deeper how much do we really know about anyone? spouses? ourselves? 

So, I will take the fact that someone whom had not seen in years recalled that I once spent some time on the Appalachian Trail as a huge compliment, one am grateful to have received, and which is enough!

Hui Kelu street hill near home

Deb and Dad turn 40

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