Monday, September 16, 2024

10000 or Bust!

photo of a runner on deserted highway with what looks like the rocky mountains in the background. For myself rather the words "instead of expecting someone else to make me happy" would have the graphic say "instead of expecting football" to make me happy.

Alright another post on running. Some of this have written about before but it does include current updates. It is good to have humility, to be humble, but am in official old age bracket now and have decided it is also good to let one's light shine.

The pandemic era has become my golden era of accumulating running miles. As such if get in 400 more by the end of this year can say that hit 10000 miles run since the pandemic started in 2020. The years that the most were the earlier ones but although doing less volume lately, the quality sessions remain or more so than what did before.

The years look like this:
2020 - 2300 miles
2021 - 2200 miles
2022 - 2100 miles
2023- 1850
2024  -1150 as of 9/14

I don't race or hardly do so. Only one recent live event done which was a 5k May 2023. First place my division but there were just two of us in age group. Best though was did it the two son in laws and the last mile was at sub 8 pace. Over all 31:55 first mile was 13 minutes. 

Have done 7 virtual marathons since 2020 plus 3 accumulation events. One of those did 252 running miles in one month and came in first in age group (out of 1) and in second place overall out of 64 entrants. There have been several other months where ran 200 to 240. 

The 52 weeks between June 21 2020 and June 20 2021 averaged 10 and a half running hours each week, and covered 2800 miles and is by far the most volume have ever done. But maybe not the most quality.

Started another marathon training cycle April 21 and completed it by doing a virtual August 30th. Had planned to go to the northwest to do an event but circumstances stepped in. Thankfully the race directors said could do a virtual instead. Have not let up though since then because now the goal is to get to that 10000 mile mark.  

Just hoping that body holds up a few more weeks. May have to go get another cortisone shot. the first ever and latest one got was late April this year. It helped tremendously. I have osteoarthritis throughout the left ankle. Most days wear a lace up brace which helps stabilize the foot and avoid slipping. Ortho surgeon said he could operate to replace the detached posterior tendon but recommended that don't do it as such would require a year of rehab.  I may not have another year of solid running left in me so am following doc's advice.

It was with a good deal of trepidation that embarked on yet another marathon schedule as in the early months of 2024 as had a lot of discomfort but a few weeks off and that shot and brace worked miracles as evidenced by: 

Past 21 weeks 24 workouts with 4 to 6 x 4 minute at 5k pace; 
covered over 900 miles with 9 weeks at 50 plus;
plenty mile and marathon pace workout;  
8x1 minute and 8x 800 at faster pace with recovery at marathon and faster pace; 
 9 long runs ranging from 3 to 4+ hours;
15 back to backs (two days in a row) that have totaled 20 to 30 miles; 
50 sessions that covered 10 to 21 miles; 
with most of the others in the 90 to 110 minute range.

Need to average close to 30 miles these remaining weeks of 2024 to meet the goal which is substantially less than what have been doing since April. Whether get there or not though the main target remains the same. That is to be as much as possible like the runner who inspires me the most, Baba Lee, with whom ran the most memorable half hour run of my life on his condominium roof top in Taipei in his 98th year. So, Betty, Deborah, Al, Rebecca, Rayburn, Joshua, Wendy, Rhea, Luna, Nalu get ready to run with this geezer around the home block or on top of whatever convalescent center/hospital assigned to in 2047! Guarantee it will be a run you always remember!

South shore O`ahu August 2022 with from left to right
Wendy, Luna, Josh, Nalu, Al, Deb, Rhea, me, Betty, Becca, Ray

Colonel (posthumously General) Lee, Jin Xian

1 comment:

  1. Lots of LOVE at 1234... Grampa J... ❤️ aka brother John
