Friday, August 4, 2023

Apocalyptic Humbleness

After the high of running that sub 8 minute mile at the end of the 5/5/23 5k I signed up to attend Ryan Hall's annual Run Camp on the campus of Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff Arizona. 

Run Free Training coaches

Ryan Hall

Was scheduled to be in Arizona anyway to visit oldest brother John so figured what the heck. Arrived mid day July 16 at the Phoenix Sky Harbor airport where got picked up by Army buddy and life long friend Carlos Montoya who was in town to assist his daughter's move back to New Mexico. At her apartment most of the work was done but I did carry boxes and stuff to the trash bins in oven worthy weather. Then it was off to the nearest joint could find to have some cold ones. Carlos then took me to Sun City West where John and his family live.

Next morning, which was Monday, July 17 John and I went up to the dorm at NAU where was given a fan at check in due to no AC. Not long after joined the slowest group to do a short campus trail run. Within the first five minutes I took a hard fall. Scrapped the left knee and hand, and caused concern among participants. After a quick shake off continued on to finish the run. Lots of reasons why fell including had just arrived from an overnight flight the day before, despite being at 7000 feet it was still hot, the left foot had been problematic for the past month. But the main reason was because basically am clumsy and my foot hit a rock.

foot after rock hit

That night was difficult to sleep. The dorm room was a few feet below ground level which meant the box window fan did nothing but stir up warm air. Eventually got some shuteye by moving the mattress to the cooler floor.  The next morning conversations proved I was not the only uncomfortable one. Before breakfast we did a trail run out by Saint Mary's Road.  I limped along for an hour. The highlight was when Ryan Hall ran alongside. He was friendly and a few seconds later he was like a mile ahead. Towards the end of the run one of the coaches children whom appeared to be 7 or 8 years old left me in the dust too.

faster than the author

That afternoon was on the track. Did a lot of drills and several 100 meter strides utilizing the various steps just learned. Later we hit the weight room. For my turn to lift the coaches noted my goal should be to maintain position without falling. Second night slept much better. In the morning though could barely stand up. My left foot was swelled and could not place weight on it. After a little loosening was okay to walk. I sent a photo to coach and he fired back to not run today. Morning was back on the track. The Physical Therapist after seeing photo said that wanted to see me walk without shoes. So while everyone else was running circles I spent 85 minutes walking shoeless on the track and the football field. Worked on walking tall, and sucking up the core while holding arms out horizontal. As it was already well established that I was way slower than everyone else including the youngest keiki I felt no embarrassment.

 In the afternoon there was a somatic breathing session. Spent over an hour lying down matching breaths with music. I got scolded  a bit for squirming so the leader put her hand on my chest to quiet me down. Then a bit later maybe it was her or someone else  not sure who but felt some feminine (at least hope they were) fingertips going up and down the sole of my foot. A bit later each of my toes got stretched and then the whole foot got massaged. It was very relaxing and I basically slept till the music stopped. 

Wednesday evening was a social at a pizza place in town. Only a hand full of the adult participants went and 3 coaches. It was fun listening to their stories about 100 milers. There was also a discussion about what one would tell one's younger self 10 years ago. For me they said make it 20, and my response was "retire when you can." Talk about why we run was interesting too. Some commented for glory of God, and others the sense of movement. Mine was that running slows time down.

Thursday was the big day for a run to the top of 12,550 foot Mount Humphreys. As still limping  figured no way could get that done so joined the group doing a shorter trail run on the mountain's slopes. Did not run though but did do a short hike with the mother of one of the high school runners. She and her son and husband (he ran the entire Appalachian trail in 50 days) had spent two years or more as a missionaries in Uganda. So it was an interesting conversation. That afternoon I took the shuttle to downtown Flagstaff. After walking a block or two had sharp pains in the left foot and felt as if would need to get to the hospital. Rested a bit then made it back to the shuttle to return to campus.

high country hike

Friday morning foot still hurting so skipped the last run. John drove back up and we went headed off to Sun City West with a stop at a rock and pie ala mode joint. The pie was great as were all the other pies sister in law Wei presented each day while with them.

Camp was something else. I had been averaging well over 40 miles a week since first of the year until just a week prior when foot got worse. I have had lots of osteoarthritis in the left foot for some time now. In early 2017 an MRI was done and sports doc advised to go swim. I took off a few weeks but was soon back to it. In early 2019 did the Phoenix marathon and have picked up the volume and quality a good deal since the start of the pandemic. Am on track to easily surpass 8000 miles run from 2020 through 2023 as long as can get in another month or two by 12/31. As to how much entire lifetime extensive review of past journals indicate that have run well over 50,000 miles since  started recreational running in 1977. When add in miles run in high school track and the Army then am at around 54000.

 So was really disappointing could not do much at all during the camp. But did get to meet a lot of neat folks. Run Free Training (RFT) is a company run by American marathon and half marathon record holder (204:58; 59:43) Ryan Hall, and his friend Jay Stephenson also an elite. I signed on with their program in April 2023 and they did help me do well in that 5k. 

Ryan is an outspoken Christian but he and others of like persuasion at camp did not proselytize. They did share their faith and they did set the tone via virtuous behavior. There were around two dozen high school runners, 15 or so adults like me plus 10 or more coaches. I do not recall hearing any swear words or any thing of a salacious nature the whole week. In truth that was a welcome relief from much of the garbage I consume via Netflix etc.

I do not regret going to camp, other than doing so made it impossible to meet up with two fellow Wisconsin camp wawbeekers.* It was good to spend time with coach Jay and others. Also got me out of the Phoenix area record breaking oven heat. Three days later in Sun City did mange a 103 minute run before temp hit 100+. But foot hurt a good deal so as of this writing have not run since. Am hoping in the next few days will be able to pick it back up in short stretches. Am trying to stay positive. I did get over this before, but am concerned as to how much more ankle area cartilage has been damaged the past 6 years. Hoping sports doc can help. If not then maybe go build a pool.

Brother John had planned a full itinerary for the five days after camp but with temps hitting 117 we basically hunkered down with the AC. Had a lot of awesome talks, John hits 80 next month and has lived an eventful life. But dang to step foot outside from 10 am till late was the most intense heat have ever felt. Far surpassed Louisiana and Asian summers. Made me fearful for what the future holds. We got to get a grip on climate change/global warming. Many say it is too late already but there are some hopeful indicators too. I wish Revelations was not in the bible. I think that book has led to too much procrastination and lack of action. I believe rather than hanging on for the rapture we are called to get moving on undoing all the damage we have done to this earth. And we need to not point to other countries lack or progress as an excuse for not taking action. I wish we had a strong Green party but we do not so reds and blues come on let's get it done.

Brother John

On July 26 flew up to the northwest where spent 6 days with Josh and Wendy and grands Luna and Nalu. The weather there was fab temps low seventies day and fifties at night. We spent a weekend at Mount Rainier. 4 year old Luna is a terrific hiker doing much harder stuff than mine did at that age. She no whine either. Nalu not even 2 yet but he likes to get out of the backpack carrier and walk. Such a sturdy kid! So was fun and next time go up will stay longer.

Luna with Pop Pop

Wendy, Josh, Luna, Nalu!

there goes Luna forging ahead 

In the presence of Mt. Rainier

Josh and some random stranger

* Next month I hit 74, and as far as could tell the next oldest were a full generation younger and some campers even had great grandpas not yet that age.

I never found out who massaged my foot, but daughter Deb told me it is common practice during yoga so now thinking maybe everyone else got massaged too.

What's next? Betty and I and our fam across the street going to Taiwan and then later in the year going with Betty back to the northwest. After than not sure. If foot heals will try for one more marathon in 2024.

Up Date: 2/08/2024 -- Was able to build mileage back up to over 40 miles a week for the months of November and December 2023 which brought total 4 year pandemic total to a little over 8400 miles. But foot became more problematic early January so got another Mri done, That one showed the posterior tendon is detached from the tibia by 2 cm. No matter how try to treat it there is no way it will ever reattach itself without a surgical procedure.  Sports Doc told me would refer to ortho and that more than likely they would recommend surgery and she thought should get such done so as can stay active. At the Ortho consult late January Doctor noted that the tendon more n likely was broken long before went to run camp. He  suggested to not do any invasive procedure, and said if go that route expect to be laid up for a year or more. His advice was to keep on running and when it hurts to stop. Since then have tried to run a few times and it hurts right off the bat more than in the past so have not made it more than 5 minutes. Am checking now as to if cold laser treatments may help and also consideration to get an ankle brace. I no lie this development is discouraging. Am focusing on the positive. Even though may take a long time to get back that goal to run as a 96 year old is still there, still motivating me to not give up.